Tuesday, January 15, 2008

He's Dead...Wrapped in Plastic

There's nothing sadder to me than lingering reminders of the holiday season several weeks after the festivities has passed.

So, it's no wonder the plight of poor Mr. Jingles made me feel a bit melancholy today at the office.

Groggy from slight jet lag, I stumbled into our small coffee kitchen in search of caffeine and came across such a sad sight. Mr. Jingles. The sad, broken, well-eaten remains of a chocolate snowman, who had a Post-It Note affixed to him, pleading us to "Please eat Mr. Jingles."

At 9:30 in the morning, Mr. Jingles actually looked better than he did at 3 p.m. when I finally got around to taking his picture. When I first spied him, he had a face. Or at least most of one.

I didn't have my camera on me at the moment and planned to go right back and take his picture. I then got caught up in several projects and soon forgot about poor Mr. Jingles until after lunch when I passed by the coffee kitchen on my way into the conference room across the hall. In the time that had passed, someone had eaten off all of Mr. Jingles' face. I couldn't quite believe it!

Fearing there would be nothing left of Mr. Jingles by the time I got out of my conference call, I ran back to my desk, grabbed my camera and took a shot. And my instincts were right...as I was taking the picture, another office dweller, Tom A., stood behind me, eagerly awaiting a taste of the sad, broken snowman. A few moments later, another coworker strolled in and broke off more of Mr. Jingles' body.

Poor Mr. Jingles. To go from a triumphant culinary celebration of the season to a broken, devoured mess wrapped in plastic...the horror of it all. ;)

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