Wednesday, January 9, 2008


Our neighbors, Sue and Jim, are avid antique collectors. They particularly love the holidays and have one of the most fabulous holiday decorations collections I've ever seen. We visited with them last evening so we could see this year's display. Every room in their house is filled with all sorts of treasures. Truly amazing!

I collect some things -- I have a small collection of antique handbags ( I prefer ones from the Edwardian - 1920s eras); vintage compacts; flapper hats (only a few); and vintage pamphlet cookbooks. I particularly have a fondness for Jello cookbooks, but pretty much any entertaining one catches my eye.

While at Jim and Sue's house last night, I was examining the "cooking"-themed Christmas tree in their kitchen, when this decoration, delicately nestled among the branches, caught my eye. A pamphlet cookbook with the best sexist, vintage title I've seen: "Pies Men Like."

Why only men? Didn't women like pies back then? I did a little research on was written by the the folks at GM in the 1950s, who apparently believed all the good wives of their execs and other personnel wanted to slave away on pies for their men.

It made me laugh.

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