The last dog standing at our house. A 115-pound, 13.5-year-old, unnaturally tall Golden Retriever.
We had to put his sweetheart of an adopted "sister," Cassie, (another dark red Golden) down in November. She was 13 and 2 months. Kidney failure. Broke our hearts. We had had her since she was 13 months old...since October 1995.
We got Baker in October 1996 from GRIN (Golden Retrievers in Need). The first few years were quite an adventure, to say the least. I used to keep a list of what he ate each day (not food...things...books, underpants, bras, throw pillows, paper towels, you name it...) on the refrigerator and would threaten him that I was sending him back to the rescue group. I think my son was easier as a baby than Baker was as a young, adopted rescue dog.
In these past years, he went from crazy incorrigible dog that someon
e else got rid of to elder statesman who sometimes feels the need to attempt to be his old zany, food-stealing, squirrel-menancing self. I love those days when he has that much pluck.

He can still be a clown, but despite it all, he's horribly camera shy. I was lucky to get these pictures this past afternoon. I didn't realize how white his face has become until looking at them.
Makes me sad...he's so old. And such a good big boy.
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