Monday, May 19, 2008

It Spoke To Me...

I was sitting behind a dump truck on my way to work today when I realized it had a message for me in small white letters across the back.

I have been going through various stressful situations lately, and quite honestly, I don't always deal that well with stress. I wish I could say I'm the kind of person who lets stress roll right off her back, but that's just not me. I dwell. I fret. I obssess. Or, as my mom likes to say, I love to make mountains.

Well, this truck had advice for me...and I've decided to take it to heart. Sadly, my crappy camera phone did not capture the tiny phrase that I saw so clearly out of my windshield this morning. But I still wanted to share my morning epiphany with you all.

The tiny white printing read, "It is what it is."

I'm taking it as a sign...aimed directly at me.
I was in the right place at the right time this a.m.

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