We've arrived at this conclusion after visiting countless pet stores and attempting to pet the cute little things.

Then...you stick your hand in the pen in the attempt to pet one. I mean, after all, if you are going to shell out the $15 or $20 one of these ridiculous things cost, don't you think you should get one that likes to be held and pet and lavished with affection?
To date, I have not met one that does. They see the hand and go completely insane. Squealing horrifically loud. Running like crazed little rats. 
Look at them!Climbing over each other. Tripping. Trying to hide. Who wants a pet like that? Look at them...running from Evan's hand. Pure terror. They think he's going to kill them. That he's going to put them on a spit and roast them over a fire.
Do we want a pet that is afraid of us? No way. Give us a dog any old day. We'd even take a cat, and we're not cat people!

Look at them!Climbing over each other. Tripping. Trying to hide. Who wants a pet like that? Look at them...running from Evan's hand. Pure terror. They think he's going to kill them. That he's going to put them on a spit and roast them over a fire.
Do we want a pet that is afraid of us? No way. Give us a dog any old day. We'd even take a cat, and we're not cat people!
Maybe I'm being too harsh, but I have yet to meet a guinea pig that has prompted me to change my firm opinion: They are worthless, unaffectionate pets that certainly aren't worth the $20 bill I'd have to shell out to get one!
Even a hamster's friendlier than a guinea pig. It's a better pet, and from me (not a hamster fan) that's saying a lot!
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