Time for the blast from my past...plagued by a chocolate allergy in my youth (thank GOD I outgrew that!), I had to seek my sugar-high jollies from alternative candies. No chocolate Easter bunnies in my basket...I got waxy "white" chocolate, jelly beans and...best of all PEEPS! Nice, fresh Marshmallow Peeps...bunnies and chicks in the traditional shades of yellow for peeps and pink for the bunnies.
To this day, as gross as it might seem to some, I cannot resist a freshly opened pack of those sugared, chemically marshallows. Even now when they come in such bizzare shades as lavender, green, toxic red and...the worst...blue. (I don't trust blue food and truly believe blue M&Ms were a really bad marketing decision.)
Today at Target, Evan and I came across the Peeps display and decided to take our maiden voyage this year into the heady delight that are Peeps. I tend not to buy the newer "seasonal" Peeps at other times of the year...there's just something so nostalgic about the Easter ones.
I let him pick them out...I prefer the bunnies...in traditional pink. He went a bit wild. Chicks. In Toxic Red. The picture does not do the color justice. They look pink. They aren't. They are a deep muted red.
That didn't stop us from eating half a carton this evening. I'm waiting for social services to arrive and haul me away for feeding my kid such crap.
But...c'mon...it's a slice of my sugared-up childhood. A part of my past. And still tasty.
Although I think I forgot to tightly wrap the package before retiring upstairs for the evening, and I'm too tired to go back down and do it. My 98-cent investment will be tough and chewy in the morning. While there are some Peeps afficianados who like them that way...I don't. I'm all about the soft sugary marshmallow sensation.
I guess I'll have to go get a new pack.
And maybe I'll pick up a Cadbury Cream Egg while I'm out, too...
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