My close friend, Karen, is not only the consummate hostess, she also reigns as the undisputed Martini Queen. She can mix up any powerful tasty concocotion involving vodka and other libations that's sure to satisfy. One of the benefits of being close friends with someone so talented is that you get plenty of opportunities to watch and learn. And believe me, I have. Thus, I have become the Martini Lady in Waiting...because even Martini Queens need a break every now and then from hosting and shaking up icy vodka beverages. New Year's Eve is one such night.

We all wind up at some point during this evening, or even the wee hours of New Year's Day, gathering at our friends John and Cathy's house at their annual shin-dig. Good food. Familiar faces. Good drink. Tremendous amounts of fun. And, best of all, everyone is welcome.
Apparently we've established a new tradition there over the past two years -- Karen takes a break from martini mixing, and when I arrive at John and Cathy's, I take over the shaker. The party "bar" each year is located in the terrific little breakfast room off the kitchen...and is the perfect gathering place for mixing drinks and revelry.Last year, I spent a good part of my attendance shaking up what I'm told were killer Cosmos (rumor has it several folks who enjoyed them didn't move from their couches all New Year's Day).
This year, we didn't get to the party until close to midnight. We first joined two of my work friends, Sue and Cheryl, and their husbands at Johnny's Downtown for a decadently delicious dinner. During dinner we got to talking about chocolate martinis, which gave Sue quite the craving for one. I promised her I'd make her one if the fixings were there at John and Cathy's. And, we set off for their house.
After ringing in the new year, we wandered back into the breakfast nook and sized up the bar. No creme de cacao or any sort of chocolate liquer. Can't do a chocolate martini without something chocolate. But...there was vodka. Lots of vodka. And Baileys. And coffee liquer. I decided to improvise. So, I threw some ice in the shaker, poured out the ingredients and began mixing, marking the occasion, naturally, on my camera phone:

The result: A strong, yet highly tasty, blend of complimentary ingredients...there's probably some official name for it in some bartending guide out there, but if anyone wants to coin a new one for it, let me know. Latte-tini, perhaps?
I also received kudos for a traditional vodka martini -- served up, very neat with two olives -- from another party guest. She came back for seconds. Perhaps I have missed my true calling?
The Martini Queen has taught me well and even got to enjoy the results of her fine tutelage...a well-mixed latte-tini that she didn't have to make.
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