My friend, Ken, and his siblings wholeheartedly agree. In fact a mere recent evening ago, they sat down and crafted a number of lovely items for their out-of-town sister, who regrettably was unable to join them this year for their Christmas celebration. Their mediums? Macaroni, pasta, spray paint, a lil' glue and a whole lot of alcohol-fueled ingenuity.
"It's a pasta miracle! Yes, that's the Blessed Mother lurking in the center of this pink pasta travesty. Oh, and the mints? They're actually painted disks of wood."
"The severed angel box, front view... for the exterior we crushed elbow macaroni and painted it white for the "faux coral" effect."

Ken today provided me with an update of his sister's reaction to her family's heartfelt gifts:"She was impressed by the level of the prank, and that these macaroni miracles were now treasured holiday heirlooms in her family. Her son & daughter (who both live in NYC) got dibs on the wreaths, and are taking them back to their apartments to proudly and permanently display them as proof that their family is retarded."