Last night, Spice, Karen and I went out to Around the Corner in Lakewood in support of two friends who are walking next weekend in the Komen 3-Day Walk here in Cleveland. They were holding a dunk-tank fundraising event at this popular local watering hole.
Being a breast cancer survivor myself (5 years since diagnosis next month!), it's a cause that's near and dear to me. I support numerous breast cancer awareness events, causes, etc. I figured I'd go, pay my money and throw a few balls at my friends, Mona and Stephanie, who were the main participants in the tank.
Partway through the evening, I realized that I'd be more efficient in doing my part for fundraising by actually climbing into the tank for a little fun that became known as "Sink the Survivor." Not initially planning to get nearly drowned, I really wasn't dressed for the job...so I convinced Mona to loan me an extra t-shirt. Pink, of course I also borrowed her sassy, waterproof pink hat.

I got settled inside the tank, and immediately people started lining up to throw balls. $1 a toss or $10 to just walk up and hit the target and dunk me immediately. The first time a ball connected with the target, I went in. I wasn't quite prepared for the cold water or the clammy feeling of my jeans clinging to me. But strangely, I was having fun...and for a good cause. I even got bold enough to antagonize my tormentors.

I'm proud to say I helped bring in some extra cash for the fundraising efforts. And I had a great time. I even got to model a stylish Teletubbies towel.
Now how special is that?
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