To the passerby, this particular Chick Cow -- on Christmas Eve afternoon -- looked fun and festive as he danced along Center Ridge Road in Rocky River/Fairview Park in a cold pelting rain. If you stood and watched long enough, you'd notice something...his sad, "it-can't-get-any-worse-than-this" trudge between dancing stints.
This picture says it all.
And...reconfirms my opinion that any job requiring you to dress up in a ridiculous costume = WORST JOB EVER!
Ha -- I love this! You've really captured the desperation of the moment!
Amy's son was a Chik-Fil-A dancing cow for a few weeks, and she has some great videos of him dancing by the road side...
He just looks so downtrodden. He was dancing a few moments later, but he wasn't at this point. I felt bad for him. It was raining. It was Christmas Eve. And he was stuck outside dancing along the road.
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