Everyone's favorite game --- guess what the dubious-looking item I am holding is and how it is used!
Women love it. It's supposed to be the best of its kind for a real-world budget. Highly recommended in fashion and beauty publications.
Any suggestions? Any at all?
Give up?
It's a makeup application sponge from Target's Sonia Kashuk line.
What on earth did YOU think it was?!?!?!
I can't believe how dirty it got in one use!
Sweet Jesus... you DON'T want to know what my guess was.
Sex toy? New-fangled female contraceptive device? Do tell. You know I love feedback from my readers... ;)
Ken has a filthy mind! I thought it was a blue Peep!
It kinda looks like a blue DQ cone, doncha think.
I thought it was a butt plug for an Oompa Loompa. And those little freaks really weird me out.
Nice image for me to consider just as I'm about to turn off the light. You KNOW that's what they're up to in that freaky little, scary boat tunnel that makes Gene Wilder get all crazy-eyed and sing creepy songs.
Oh, and Johnny LOVES Oompa Loompas.
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