I wandered into a ladies' room stall at the Crocker Park Regal Cinema this evening and immediately noticed something unusual.
No, all you gross people out there, it wasn't a full, unflushed bowl. Shame on you for even thinking that!
It was this slip of paper -- 8.5" wide, 4 or 5" high. Pasted to the stall divider in the small space between the back end of the toilet paper holder and the wall.
It boasted a man's face and handwritten scrawl. I can't remember the prose exactly, and my crappy camera phone (and hasty shot) as there was a line of angry women needing to pee outside the door didn't do justice to this, but it said something to the effect of this:
"I can wine and dine you but I am not looking for a commitment."
Not Looking and Commitment were heavily underlined.
It then gives this guy's name, which I'll leave out for some semblance of privacy. His age range (45-60) and then little tear off strips with his phone number. (I didn't take one....no one else had either...at least not in the stall I chose).
I have, since then...however, pondered who might have posted this? An ex wife? A jilted lover? An enraged teenage daughter?
Who wants revenge with this man? And I wonder how many calls he will get from women who want to be wined and dined without commitment as I gleefully play the scenarios over and over in my head. Hee hee.