My stepsister and dear, wonderful friend, Jen, lost her fight with advanced kidney cancer.
She was diagnosed a couple of weeks before Halloween...her favorite holiday. And despite the fear and sadness of learning she had such an illness, she forged ahead and had her annual Halloween party...without sadness but with LOTS of vampire martinis. Complete with icy eyeballs in the middle of the glass.
Jen didn't come into my life until we both were in our 20s when my dad and her mom started dating and then got married. We were only 9 months apart in age. Had the same exact wallet and, this past year, bought each other a variation on the same gift at Christmas.
Over the years we grew to be both close friends and true sisters.

Jen was an amazing artist. You can see her work here at www.pixipaint.com. But she was even more of an amazing person. The world lost a treasure today. And it will never be the same without her.
I love you, Jen. And will miss you every day.
I'm sorry for your loss Robin.
Thanks for your love for Jen and our family, Robin.I couldn't have put it better -the world indeed lost a treasure-but heaven just got so much more glorious.
Tom M.
Robin, I don't even know what to say... :-(
I love Jen, and I'll miss her too
-- Ken
Robin, I'm so sorry for your loss. I really don't know what to say, except I am a better person for having known and loved Jen. I will miss her tremendously!
Robin, i'm so sorry for your loss.
Everyone knows i loved her dearly. i told Jen that i would miss seeing her smile everyday at work when she left here... now she is gone, i will miss everything about her :(
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