The long-awaited replacement for my battered, but-well-hidden-under-a-slipcover, 17-year-old loveseat. And my dog, Baker's favorite back scratcher.
We planned to wait to replace it after the elderly dog moved on to greener pastures, but I have had my eye on this little gem from Crate & Barrel for 6 months. And this week, on a rare visit out to the Cleveland-area store, I discovered the floor sample on sale at $500 off the order price. And it is in great shape. So I pulled out my VISA and voila...
It's arriving on Saturday.
I have to think delivery will go fine. After all, my regular sofa is a behemoth, and it made it through the door just fine five years ago.
Fingers crossed that all works out. And that
Baker doesn't love it as much as he loves the old one. I guess I'd better get a sheet ready to cover it, just in case.
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